I have not played 40K in many years so I apologize if I call something the wrong name. Please look over the pictures, what you see is what you are getting. This army was professionally painted and looks absolutely beautiful on the table. Every model has the same quality of work. The bases are all done as well with many of them with added features. Here is what you will get. 1 Winged Hive Tyrant 2 Broodlords 3 Tervigons 40 Genestealers 92 Termagants w/ Fleshborers 72 Termagants w/ Devourers 15 Termagants w/ Devourers (different color) 13 Termagants w/ Fleshborers (smaller size) 44 Hormagounts 1 Carnifex Straight forward, hard hitting army, PAINTED and ready for the table!! That’s a lot of models to be painted to a high degree like that. I will take extra care to package them carefully so they arrive in one piece. But you know how these models are, there may be a few small breaks but I will do everything I can to avoid that. It’s a wonderful looking army and I’m excited for it to have a new home.