This army includes the tyranid half of the leviathan box, as well as a few extra goodies from a couple years of collecting. I will throw in the Leviathan Booklet for build instructions too, as well as the bases to the unbuilt models There are : 2x10 Genestealers 41 Termagaunts (various loadouts) 20Termagaunts (NOS new design) + Ripper Swarms 10 Gargoyles (No Bases) 5 Barbgaunts (NOS) + Neurogaunts (NOS) 3 Hive Guard (No Bases) 3 Von Ryan's Leapers Screamer Killer Trygon Swarmlord Exocrine Psychophage Neurotyrant Broodlord Winged Tyranid Prime