Hello, I am looking to sell the army or trade for a large GSC force. Not currently splitting right now. Shipping is covered. I will bubble wrap the shit out of it. Highly recommend this army for fun and low model count. Ready to play or a great gift. All bases fully magnetized and textured/painted bases. I bought these from another painter and have enjoyed using them for Horus Heresy/40k games. This is a 2000+ point Heresy force, and ~1500 point 40k force. This includes enough bits and weapons to switch any of the guard/wardens to sword and shield/ two swords (Blade Champion?)/ or halbreds if you want. Hands pop right off because they are super glued and are easy to replace. The army is: 1 Trajan Valoris 1 Shield Captain with Solar Fist (pro painted) 1 Knight Centura (converted) 5 sisters of silence with swords 4 Sisters of silence with flamers 6 Aquilon Terminators with adriatic destructors (best painted here, 3 are on wrong size base for HH) 6 Custodian Guard pro painted (3 solar fists + shield, 3 halbred) 2 Wardens and 4 Custodian Guard (2 halbreds, 3 sword and shield, 1 vexilla 3 Vertus Praetors (well painted, bases need to be reattached) 1 Contemptor with assault cannon 1 Caldius grav tank 1 Rhino (primed) Also includes all bits included or missing in the picture. Also have 6-7 halbreds with both arms if you want to swap weapons. 4 extra Pro painted shields, a few extra pro painted swords. This is the best painted army I have ever owned. Please let me know if you have any questions. Or are interested $800+ retail value