This beautiful Tyranid Army contains: Tyranid warrior with ranged weapon x9 Tyranid prime x1 Tyranocyte / sporocyst (magnetized with extra base magnetized) x1 Norm Emissary x2 Venomthrope (conversion) x3 Pyrovore (kitbashed) x3 Harpy x1 Winged Hive Tyrant (magnetized)x1 Tervigon x1 Deathleaper x1 Trygon x1 Neurolictor x1 gw 1xprinted Hive Tyrant x1 Haruspex/Exocrine (magnetized) x3 Maleceptor (kitbashed) x1 Psychophage x1 Screamer-Killer x1 Tyrannofex x2 Carnifexes x5 Old One Eye x1 Biovore x1 Neurotyrant x2 Zoanthrope x12 Barbgaunt x5 Termagaunt x70 Ripper Swarm x9 Neurogaunt x11 Mucolid Mine x1 Spore mine (kitbash and original casting) x12 Von Ryan’s Leaper x6 Tyrant Guard x 6 Lictor / Deathleaper (resin kit) x3