Army lot is around 4000 points in game terms. Lot contains: Typhus x 2 (1 without a base) Chaos Space Marines Terminator Lord x 2 (3d printed) Lord of Virulence x 1 lord of contagion x 2 Plague Surgeon x 1 Tallyman x 1 Foul Blightspawn x 2 Biologus Putrifier x 1 Noxious Blightbringer x 1 Plaguecaster x 1 Plague Marine Icon Bearer x 1 Daemon Prince x 3 (1 x old plastic 2 x 3d printed) Deathshroud Bodyguard x 3 Blightlord Terminators x 25 (10 x 3d printed) Plague Marines x 44 (Some from Space Marine Heroes Series 3) Poxwalkers x 26 Plagueburst Crawler x 3 Myphitic Blight-hauler x 2 Foetid Bloat-drone x 2 Helbrute x 2 Miasmic Malignifier x 1 All items are in condition shown in images. Royal Mail Special Delivery will be postage method for the items, due to size, weight and value. Should you have any questions, please reach out to me.