Clearing out my closet with what was meant to be a really super-cool hobby project during lockdown. Finally have to admit that I'm not going to be slaying the gray anytime soon, and hoping to send them to a good home. A collection of just about one of every unit that was available when I was theorycraftying lists more than painting a few years ago, it's a great starter list that will allow you to experiment with different units and playstyles as you build your army. There's also a copy of the older, but still really cool ninth edition codex that I have in storage that I'll add in. This lot includes: 1x Combat Patrol (1 Archon, 10x Kabalite Warriors, 5x Incubi, 1x Ravager, 1xRaider) 1x Kill Team Slicing Noose (10x Wyches, terrain) 1x Kill Team Vysa Kharavyxis (Succubus model) 1x Drazhar kit 1x Wracks kit (the older fine cast models) 1x Reavers kit 2x Hellions kits 1x Kabalite Warriors kit 1x Talos kit 1x Wyches kit The 9th edition codex (not pictured)