You are viewing some of Gork and Morks finest expendable green tide. This is a multi-product listing with multiple options available. There is a 5% discount if purchasing more than 1 unit, 8% for 3 and 12% for 4 or more and only pay once for shipping. Detailed condition description for the units is as follows (sorry for the wall of text!): Crazy 3rd Party Deffkilla Wartrike, Unpainted, additional models for scale (Yes he does dwarf Ghazz!) New Ghazghkull Assembled, Unpainted (Includes Makari) Old Metal Ghazghkull Painted, decent tabletop standard Kitbashed Mek & Painted Warboss, Mek is unpainted, Warboss is painted not so great Old & New Painboyz, Unpainted Old & New Painboyz Assembled, Unpainted 5 Lootas Assembled, Unpainted 26 Grotz & Runtherd Part Painted, Some are painted, some primed, some unpainted Old & New Burna Boyz Part Painted, New burna boyz are painted, old ones are primed (1 is painted) 11 Plastic Ork Nobz Part Painted, Some painted not so great, some primed 8 Metal Ork Nobz Part Painted, Mixture of paint 11 Boyz With Big Shootas Part Painted, half are painted, most big shootas are kit bashed 7 Boyz With Rokkit Launchas Part Painted, Half are painted, some are kit bashed 31 Shoota Boyz Assembled, Mainly unpainted 22 Shoota Boyz Painted, All painted decent standard 31 Slugga Boyz Primed, Mixture of primed and some splashes of paint 37 Slugga Boyz Painted, All painted decent standard 3 Warbikes Painted, pretty decent standard 5 Warbikes Painted, ok standard Kustom Boosta Blasta Assembled, Unpainted Kustom Boosta Blasta Kitbashed Gun, Unpainted Ork Trukk + Bonus 3d Print Trukk, Undercoated 3 Deffkoptas No Rotas + Bits, Unpainted 3 Killa Kans Painted, pretty decent standard 6 Mek Gunz Part Painted, metal gunz are painted. 3rd party plastic guns (mantic I think) with slightly converted crewman Gorka/Morkanaught Undercoated, Core coloured airbrushed. Model is magnetised so can be used as either variant. Arms can be articulated and belly can be opened. Please check out some of my other listings if Boyz are not your bag! Thanks for viewing