If you have any questions on what's listed or need more pictures please reach out. Full itemized breakdown of all miniatures included with notes: x1 Chronomancer - Unpainted x1 Silent King - Unpainted x9 Lokhust Destroyer - Unpainted x6 Skorpekh Destroyers - Mixed Painted and Unpainted x2 Lokhust Heavy Destroyer - Unpainted x6 Canoptek Wraith (3 NOS) - Mixed Painted and Unassembled x10 Immortals - Unpainted x1 Catacomb Command Barge - Painted x1 Cryptek - Unpainted x1 Canoptek Spyder - Unpainted x1 Illuminor Szeras - Unpainted x1 Nightbringer (3D printed) - Painted x2 Royal Warden- Painted x10 Lychguard (5 with 3D printed shields) - Painted x2 Overloard with Tachyon Arrow - Painted x60 Warriors - Painted x27 Scarb Swarms - Painted x1 Skorpekh Lord - Painted x2 Plasmancer with CryptoThralls - Painted x2 Canoptek Reanimator - Painted