Large Space Wolves Army for sale: Mix of painted and unpainted minis, a lot of Space Wolf customizations and kitbashing, all assembled (except Forge World Contemptor Dreadnought). Army Includes: Aggressors x3 Arjac Rockfist x1 Assault Intercessors x5 Bjorn the Fell-handed (metal) x1 Bladeguard Ancient x1 Bladeguard Vets x3 Chaplain on bike x1 Chaplain with Jump Pack x1 Contemptor Dreadnought (Forge World NIB w/ multiple arm options) x1 Eradicators x3 Gravis Captain x1 Grey Hunters x20 Impulsor x1 Infiltrators x5 Intercessors x10 Judiciar x1 Logan Grimnar (magnetized feet to also be used on foot) x1 Long Fangs (Devastators) x8 Lukas the Trickster x1 Njal Stormcaller (custom conversion) x1 Phobos Captain x1 Predator (magnetized with all weapon options) x1 Primaris Captain (Indomitus) x1 Primaris Chaplain x1 Primaris Lieutenant (Indomitus) x1 Ragnar Blackmane (metal) x1 Razorback x2 Redemptor x1 Reivers x1 Repulsor (magnetized with all weapon options) x1 Skyclaws (magnetized jump packs) x5 Suppressors x3 Techmarine x1 Thunderwolf Cavalry x3 Ulrik the Slayer x1 Venerable Dreadnought x2 Wolf Guard Battle Leader on Thunderwolf x1 Wolf Guard Pack Leader x1 Wolf Guard Terminators x7 Wolf Lord on Thunderwolf x1 Wulfen x5 Outriders x3 Space Wolf bits