You are looking at a large detachment of Tyranids units designed and produced by Games Workshop. The majority of these are from pre-modern versions, and there are handful here (noted below) that are vintage. Many of these are OOP and very difficult to find. They are mostly-assembled and semi-painted. The trimming work and quality of the paint job is lacking, and they would love some attention and a fresh coat of paint. A handful are lightly modified in unconventional ways--for example, some of the brood warriors have scything talons for legs. These can easily be reverted back to the vanilla forms with an xacto and some glue. All the original parts are included, so you can modify as you please. A few have detached limbs or heads as you can see, and will need some gluing. Everything you see in the pictures is included. To the best of my knowledge, these are: 3x Ripper swarms (plastic) 8x Warriors (plastic, one has metal ravager talons as legs) 1x Carnifex (metal, plastic appendages, some epoxy horns on shell--can easy be scraped off) 2x Swarm guardians (metal, w/ wings) 1x Hive tyrant (metal, plastic dragon wings included can be added) 1x Zoanthrope (metal) 3x Raveners (metal) 7x 'Gaunts = 1 horma, 6 terma (plastic) 1x Biovore + 2x Spore mines 16x Genestealers (plastic) 4x (vintage) Termagaunts 1x (vintage) Zoanthrope 8x (vintage) Rippers (can be put on individual bases or on one large one) 1x (vintage) Warrior Tons of extra limbs/etc. Thank you for your interest. Don't hesitate to contact me with questions. Selling as a bulk lot only.