Adeptus custodes full army painted in the distinctive white solar watch colour scheme. each mini has been individually painted to ensure most consistent level of quality. based with a "Palace of Tera" tiled flooring ( bikers bases are all custom built 'destroyed palace grounds') each mini is satin varnished to help maintain the paint job whist being handled. many of the minis have had custom work to alter stances , add distinctive quality's and ensure there are as few repeats as possible. Female heads have been spread across the army in keeping with GW's updated lore army contains: 5 Custodian guard (3 sheilds , 2 spears) 5 Custodian wardens (2 axes , 2 spears, 1 spear with vexilla) 5 Vertus praetors ( 2 hurricane bolters , 3 salvo launchers) 5 Allarus Terminators (5 axes) 1 Venerable Land raider (magnetized hunter killer + custom wings and other filigree added) 1 Sheild-captain with Pyrithite spear and sheild 1 Sheild captain in Allurus terminator armour 1 Sheild captain on Dawneagle jet bike 1 Blade Champion 1 Valerian 1 Aleya more images / contact links below