A fully painted, custom Tau army anywhere from 11k to 13k points in size with WYSIWYG for 90% of the models. Custom magnetic points for weapon swaps with vehicles, suits and others. 4 units of firewarriors, 1 squad of firewarriors are kitted with Pulse Carbines. 1 unit of Breachers with custom high quality printed shoulder badges, 1 unit of Pathhfinders, 1 unit of Vespid which can be broken into smaller units, 1 unit of Kroot that can be broken down into smaller units with unique war paint. 1 Cadre Fireblade of the Sa'Cea sept,3 Sa'Cea firesight marksmen. 1 matching firesight marksmen with 3 sniper drones, All the drone varieties and extra you can paint and finish yourself. 1 unit of 3 crisis suits with magetized weapons. 2 OOP Forgeworld Broadside battlesuit. 12 Stealth suits. 1 Ghostkeel. 1 crisis bodyguard unit. 1 Crisis HQ. 1 Riptide battlesuit with magetized weapons. 2 Y'vahra battlesuits with high quality custom printed parts. 1 kx139 Ta'Unar titan suit with magnatized weapon arms. 5 devilfish chassis vehicles with 2 being dedicated heavy support tanks with magnetized weapons, including skyray missle turret. 2 Pirahna light skimmers with magnatized weapons. 2 Remora drone fighters 2 unassembled Remora drone fighters from off brand company but retains good quality. All models will ship with everything INCLUDING the bits box leftovers whhich includes unpainted models like crisis suits and custom printed pieces. All high quality prints come from Pop Goes The Monkey and RedDog Miniatures respectively. All Forgeworld models are 100% legitimate Forgeworld made. Unassembled Remora fighters are from a 3rd party affiliate. Drones and vehicles will include pictured stands. ALL models are used and appreciated. In great condition able to be fielded immediately or stripped and repainted. BUYER ACCEPTS AS IS. Tough times upon me I regretfully have to sell my army. This was my first and main army, and many of the pieces I have listed are from family and friends past away. Hopefully you can appreciate the paint job, sorry if you don't.