Painted Battle ready and based tyranids. All kitbashes are GW models or green stuff and designed at the correct height or larger. Over 3,500 Pts. 1x Old One Eye (half painted) 1x The Swarmlord (kitbashed) 1x Hive Tyrant - (partial painted) 1x Neurotyrant 1x custom Tervigon (kitbashed) 1x Winged Hive Tyrant (melee build) 1x Winged Tyranid Prime (kitbashed) 20x Hormagaunts (kitbashed from termagants) 40x Termagants 5x Barbgaunts 33x Neurogant (22x neuro gaunts New on Spure) 10x Old Genestealers (damaged but based to tried to hide the damage) 3x Tyranid Warriors with Ranged Bio-Weapons (kitbashed) 3x custom Tyrant Guard (kitbashed) (I've been told they look more like melee warriors) 6x Von Ryan's Leapers (kitbashed) 3x custom Zoanthropes (kitbashed) 3x Ripper Swarms 2x Carnifexes (half painted) 1x custom Haruspex (kitbashed) 1x custom Norn Assimilator (100% kitbashed out of spare parts) 1x Psychophage 3x Screamer- killer (1x kitbashed Screamer painted, please see picture) 2x Tyrannofex 1x broken Psychophage for kitbasing and extra bits (see picture) Please ask for additional pictures if you have questions about quality.