Warhammer tyranid army large lot All in different states of painted and completed. 43 termagaunts -44 plastic -21 metal 2nd edition 56 hormagaunts 12 spores -6 metal -6 plastic 1 haruspex magnitized arms 1 hive crone 1 dimachaeron (recast) 1 winged hive tyrant 3 swarmlords -2 metal. Incomplete -1 plastic 2 trygon 1-(recast) 12 hive guards -6 metal -6 plastic (recast) 1 brood lord 7th edition 3 ripper swarms 7 carnifex -magnetized stone crusher and wrecking ball arm -3d printed wrecking claws missing one arm 1 malanthrope 2 zoanthrope 2 lictor -2001 metal -2005 plastic (recast) 3 tyrant guards 3rd edition 1 maleceptor/toxicrone magnitized 1 tervigon/tyrannofex magnitized 1 parasite of mortrex 2 biovore 2001 metal 11 tyranid warriors 2001 -2 2001 edition -6 3rd edition metal 5 ravengers 4th edition 37 genestealers 21 gargoyles (no bases) Leviathan tyranid half Extra bits